Materials you will need:
Paper (at least 40 peices bt in multiples of 8) any size - remember you notebook will be half the size of your paper!
Fabric (slightly bigger than your pieces of paper)
Patterned paper to compliment your fabric - this will be the lining of you notebook
Ribbon - if you would like to add a page marker
scissors, craft knife, pen, pencil, double sided tape, glue (I used high tack p.v.a), thick card (I used an old ring binder folder),a needle and strong thread cutting mat.
Stage 1 - folding the paper
Neatly stack the paper in piles of 8 sheets. Fold in half. Do this to all of your paper.
Open out your 1st booklet. Mark even spaces along the inside edge - I made each stitch 2cm with a gap of 1.5cm at each end. Use a pin to make a hole on each pencil mark.
Stage 3 - sew together
Starting from the outside of the booklet, sew a running stitch to the end of the booklet, turn and sew a running stitch in the gaps, ending on te outside of the booklet. Tie the ends together in a knot and cut excess thread. Reeat this with all of the booklets
Stage 4 - Wings!!!
Cut a piece of fabric that is 6 x times the thickness of all of your booklets held together. Generously apply some glue down the centre of the back of the fabric.
Holding your booklets together, stick tem onto the fabric. Hold until secure - these are called the wings!!!
Stage 5 - front and back cover
Mark and cut out 2 pieces slightly bigger than the pages. you will also need to cut spine. This need to be the same thicknes as all bookelts held together.
Layout the card as above and cut a piece of fabric that is 3cm bigger all the way around. The gaps in between the spine and the covers should be aprox 2mm .
Stage 6 - glue
Sprea a thin layer across the 2 cover and stick to the wrong side of the fabric. Use the double sided tape to stick the spine in between. (you can use glue but the tape is less messy!)
Fold the other eges of the fabric over the card and stick down. You made need to cut the corners if the fabric is thick.
Stage 7 - Those wings again! (If you are having a page marker, stick the ribbon at the top of the spine)
Stick the wings to the covers. make sure you dont get any glue on the spine.
Stage 8 - the lining
Cut 2 pieces of paper slightly smaller than the covers. Stick to the inside covering up all the rough edges of the fabric.
Now you should have your finished notebook